• "Consciousness is the vital energy that both gives life to the body and survives beyond it in a different realm of existence" - David Hawkins

  • Polarity Life Coaching

    "Blueprint Resonance"


    "We don't treat what is wrong. We treat by restoring the original perfection with which we all emanated into the material world. How we arrange distortion back to the perfection of the original is through visualisation of the original" Lee 2011

    Sessions available ONLINE

    Blueprint Resonance refers to the idea that each person has a natural, healthy state or "blueprint"—essentially, their core essence. This blueprint is the body's inherent design for optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Over time, this natural state can be disrupted by trauma, stress, or conditioning, causing the body and mind to lose connection with their ideal state of well-being.

    Practitioners aim to help you reconnect with this original state by tuning into the body's expression of health. The process involves gently guiding you to notice what is happening in your body. For some, this can be challenging at first, depending on how they've responded to past trauma or stress, and whether they feel safe enough to sense their body.

    Once we establish a safe space within the body—a connection to the present moment—you’ll have a secure place to return to if you encounter a sensation, memory, or emotion that feels scary, uncomfortable, or painful.

    Having a pleasant anchor or "resource" in the present moment is essential when working with body memory, trauma, and the autonomic nervous system. This helps keep you within your window of presence, preventing feelings of overwhelm and keeping you grounded.

    The body serves as a gateway to the unconscious mind. By tuning into your body’s sensations, we can access this "back office" of sorts, allowing us to update old holding patterns and behaviors that may no longer serve you. However, the unconscious mind has no concept of time, so as you begin to access memories or survival strategies, you may encounter resistance. This resistance might present as pain, nausea, fear, anger, or other sensations and emotions designed to keep you from making changes, as the unconscious mind perceives the original reason for the adaptation as still relevant in the here and now.

    At the core of this work, it's important to recognize that these adaptations—whether physical, emotional, or mental—were originally adopted as survival mechanisms. They had a positive intention: to keep you safe. Even if these patterns have become uncomfortable, painful, or harmful to your health, the unconscious mind will continue to fulfill this positive intention unless it's gently shown that the holding pattern is no longer necessary for survival.

    In fact, behind these holding patterns lies the essence of who you truly are, before the need to adapt. Through gentle movement from fixation (holding patterns) to resource ( freedom, joy)—which are polarities—we encourage the body to return to a neutral state. This neutrality allows the essential self or authentic self to emerge and express itself fully, without the limitations, filters, or protective mechanisms that once kept it hidden for safety.